Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday 21
Awake at 2:30am after going to bed at 12:30~! Crap! Now, it’s 5:30 and still no sleep. Jeff said that he couldn’t get to sleep and, at 3am, finally got up and started looking into what songs he wanted to download online from his leftover Christmas Itunes gift from our son. I got up around 3:30 to see if he was okay and found him in his study. We had some chocolate milk and now he’s in there snoring and the sky is getting lighter. I've researched a little, played a game of Spider and am now back to blogging. Yup, it’s nearly 6am….Time to try to sleep again.
After getting a couple more hours of sleep, I’m up at 9am to call Nurse Alice about the Tomato debacle. I leave her a message and hear back from her about 8 minutes later. Yay! Nurse Alice tells that the amounts I had wouldn’t impact the results. She’d even double checked with the lab folks. She is DEFINITELY getting flowers! I’m so happy that I don’t have to be chained near the house for another day, but now I might be late for my Octreoscan, so I shower, put on a little makeup and Jeff helps me slam the cooler with the wee in it into the car so that I can take it for a little ride to Mid-Town, where they will give me the radioactive injection. That only takes 30 minutes, from getting out of the car to getting back into it! (Make sure you validate your parking!)
Here’s the information about that Octreoscan again:
Then, I’m off to deliver my special cargo. But first, a visit to Costco to get flowers for Nurse Alice. She gets purple irises with yellow baby’s breath type stuff in it for her desk this week. Muy Bonita! Off to HEB for a vase and I’m all set. I take the heavy bottles and flowers up and hand everything off to the kind folks in the lab. Mr. Weightlifter (lab guy) agrees to take the flowers to Alice and verifies for me, again, that the tomatoes will NOT impede progress. *Sigh*
On the way home, I stop by Yama sushi and I spend WAY too much for lunch. Rock and Roll Roll is delish but not on the lunch menu. That's okay; I'm worth it. =) And, I'm celebrating hurdling the wee-wee test.
Back home to drop off the cooler and some shopping items, then back to Mid-Town ARA for the scan, which essentially establishes a baseline for the testing that will be done tomorrow. I didn’t read about this part of the test on Google, so double check this with your docs.
Score! They let you keep your clothes on for this one! You lay down on a long table and they cinch in your arms and tie a rubber band around your feets. Now, you are a human burrito. Just to make sure that the effect is right, they drape a warm, soft white blanket over you and tuck you in. (Taco Bell would be proud.) Here's the process:
They motor the table into a doughnut shaped machine that has an X-Ray type flat imaging board jutting out of it toward you, flat part facing down. It's open so you probably won't get claustrophobic. However, the flat part ends up right above your face. You don’t mind too much because there's a really nice warm towel on you and you’re getting drowsy, you big burrito, you. Don’t freak out when they start to lower the flat part of the imaging board toward your face. They’ll stop it in time and won’t make a pancake out of your head, though my mind DID wander that way. I ended up just closing my eyes and nearly found myself sleeping during several moments during the procedure.
Next, the table will very, very slowly deliver you back out, away from the doughnut and imaging board while the machine takes multiple images of your body, tip to toe. It's quiet, takes about 30 minutes and is painless. They tell me that tomorrow’s pics will take about 2 hours and that, yes, I can wear my yoga pants. They usually make you ‘gown it’ for this but yoga pants have no metal and nothing to obscure the pics in their makeup. I want to buy them flowers, too, but have to draw the line somewhere.
I need to catch up on writing back to my wonderful friends and family but I’m soooo tired! I will have to leave that for later and know that they’ll all understand. I’m feeling very positive about all of this. Time to go veg out for a little bit in front of the TV. This doesn't last for long.
Jeff and I decide to go out for a little while and hit the local Pub in Cedar Park. It’s the only one IN Cedar Park that has a multitude of different snob beers for Jeff to choose from. Jeff and I ask the owner/waitress for six dice so that we can play “Sh*t Dice.” (It’s almost a version of Farkle, but the method of point counting is different.) She brings them over and we proceed to roll the bones. I have AMAZING luck and slam dunk Jeff in record time for the first two games. Makes me wonder if the prayers are responsible, it really does! In all my life of playing this game, I have NEVER so quickly beat the pants off of anyone by rolling consistently huge and high rolls each time. I win the third game by just a little bit. Jeff gets tired of me kicking his tail in dice and we switch to darts. I beat him at that, too, but only by a little.
Now, please don’t think that I’m being sacrilegious by suggesting that my luck at dice has something to do with all of these beautiful people praying for me. I’m not taking the prayers lightly by any stretch of the imagination. But, you wouldn’t believe the incredi-luck unless you were there. Just blew both Jeff and I away! =)
We head home and my dear husband, Chef-frey, cooks up some delicious chicken breasts in sesame ginger sauce to go into a Oriental Chicken Salad. Delish!!! He’s pretty darn good at cooking and I'm a happy camper.
Interesting aside: Our huge sissy boy kitty, Rum Tum Tugger (Tugger, for short), has taken to being my belly warmer during the last several days. He wasn’t doing it before, but now he’ll jump up onto my belly when I’m reclining to watch TV and will make himself at home on my tummy. Purrrrrrrrr! I’ve heard that cats are good at reading when someone has health issues and have also read that a kitty’s purring on your bod can be very good for your bones/health. Something like that. Anyway, I have a little gray domesticated tiger who’s keeping an eye on me and it feels nice. =)

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