Monday, July 21, 2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tuesday 15
I call Dr. Bala’s office and ask Nurse Alice what to do about the incredibly inept Mandy situation. She says that she’ll talk to Doc Bala about HER contacting MD Anderson to help facilitate things. I thank her profusely and then settle in to wait again. I’m going to buy her flowers.
MRI morning fun – Claustrophobic fun. (More to come on this later. I'll fill you in on the procedure.)
Can’t do the 24 Hour Urine Collection (5-HIAA) because of the contrast material injection that they give you in order to do a proper MRI, so we’ll put that off ‘til later.
By the way, I'm playing catch up on all the days that I missed between choosing to fully do the blog and having the time to write in-depth about things. Please know that I'll flesh out these days a bit more later on when I have more time....

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